The new Power Courses track of elective courses of interest to Boneh participants has been a great success; this 'semester' we are offering Middle East Politics, Gender Relations and Exploring the Exodus Story through Drama. I teach the Middle East politics course which so far has explored the development of Islam, the colonial period in the Middle East and modern Arab nationalism; the discussions have been wide-ranging and I am amazed and excited about the deep interest the Shnatties have brought to the course. At the end of the Power Course 'semester' the participants from each class will build and lead a workshop to teach the rest of their Boneh machzor some of the key elements of what they have learned.
Unfortunately, the Thursday siyur (day trip) for the week was rained out and had to be postponed, but the chanichim had a fun day of programming on the kibbutz.
The following week, we also spent three days in the Judean Desert on Southern Tiyul. The tiyul was a great introduction to the desert, its striking natural beauty and its centrality in the history of the Jewish people from Biblical times until today. It was also an awesome experience of classic youth movement-style tiyul - full days that start by waking up with the sun and then hiking, cooking, cleaning, pitching tents, building bonfires, and enjoying evening cultural programs. This kind of trip develops independence and self-reliance as well allowing a unique environment for group bonding and getting to know one another, through shared hands-on activities. The hike was led by our awesome tour guides, Vered and Ben, who know the land and its history as well as the trails that run through it, and the Shnat madrichim played a key role as well. The group finished off the last day with a tour of the ancient Jewish stronghold of Masada, discussing its tantalizing and complex symbolic meaning; we then drove down to the Dead Sea for an invigorating dip and picnic lunch before heading back to Ein Dor.

After a short sleep-in on Wednesday, the Shnatties had mostly a regular day including Hebrew and their power courses. Thursday we had Yom Purim on Boneh which included making contemporary movies retelling the Purim story, a peulah about how and why we relate to the Purim story and what role contemporary meanings have in how we celebrate the holiday; making hamentashen cookies and newspaper baskets, and educational Chuggim (one-off interest groups). The chuggim topics were Feminism in the Purim story, Vengeance vs. Justice and the absence of God in the Purim story. The Shnatties broke into groups based on what interested them and all had meaningful discussions that allowed them to think more critically about the themes of the Purim story.
This week’s theme is Jews in the Modern World and we are looking at the place of Jews and Jewish Life in Europe right before and after the Enlightenment. More updates on this and the happenings of Boneh coming soon!
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