Saturday, September 22, 2012

Daylight savings ends

Just a quick reminder, that Israel moves its clocks back an hour overnight between Saturday and Sunday, and will no longer be on daylight savings time.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Shana tova from Kaveret

A few more New Year's greetings from the Shnatties:

Romy and Romy wish you a sweet new year! 

Jordy has always dreamed of starring on the blog!

New year greetings from Carmiel:

New year greetings from Akko:

Rishon also send greetings, we just didn't get a chance to record them.
May 5773 be a joyous and healthy year for us all.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Revivim, History of Habo Hagshama and Chofesh

August was an intense month here on Shnat.  After returning from the meaningful, confronting and inspiring Poland Journey, the Shnatties landed in Israel and headed directly to Kibbutz Revivim in Israel's Negev Desert.  The first day they got some much deserved rest and were shown around; the next day they split up rooms and work allocations.  Some of the kibbutz jobs included gardening, working with the children, the chadar ochel (kibbutz dining room) and dishwashing, laundry and working with Goldie – a long-time Australian oleh originally from Perth who manages the landscaping and maintains the ulpan area. 
The two-and-a-half-week kibbutz period went by very quickly as the Shnatties were having so much fun.  Between the physical labor, the gorgeous swimming pool, the hot but dry desert climate and the bike paths running throughout the kibbutz, Revivim offered a warm and relaxing environment for shichva (year-level) bonding.  Each of the three kvutzot (groups which live on Kaveret together) had one day a week of programming with their madrichim and the Shnatties were also very active in leading peer-led programming for each other.  There was hardly a night when there wasn't something on.

On Saturday the 25th, they packed up and bid farewell to Revivim and headed back their various Kaveret houses, and the next morning they began famed History of Habo Hagshama Seminar.  As any past Shnattie will enthusiastically testify, this seminar is generally eye-opening, provocative and moving all at once.  The seminar looks back at the story of Habo as a movement and the ideals it has tried to fulfill here in Israel in a face to face way.  The Shnatties travel around the country looking at the beginning of the idea of kibbutz, visiting kibbutzim founded by Habo such Kfar Hanasi, Yizre'el, Kadarim, and Ravid, and meeting olim from Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere from different generations, who chose to make aliya and commit themselves to the communal idea.  It also takes a hard-eyed look at kibbutz reality today, examining the trend of privatization which has spread to the vast majority of kibbutzim.  The seminar's inspiring close involved meeting with some of the most recent Habo olim, bogrim from their home movements and elsewhere who have made aliya, visiting their urban communal houses and discussing whether the ideal of hagshama [personal realization of ideology] is relevant today.
After this jam-packed four-day seminar the Shnatties had a day off in the Kaveret houses to rest and do some shopping.  Then Friday and Saturday they spent the weekend together in a series of peer-led programs which members of each kvutza built and led for one another.  Sunday morning they headed off to chofesh and their invidual pursuits.  Many Shnatties are spending time with family; several are going on nature hikes and camping; a number are taking the chance to hang out in Tel Aviv, and a few intrepid adventurers are even planning to cycle around the Kinneret.  We hope those of you who are visiting are enjoying the time with your kids and we're excited for the restart of Kaveret on Sunday morning!